inputClean($_POST); $lgh = new logg_($dbh,"affiliates"); $lgh->setFields("aff_id","login_username","login_password"); if($_GET['action']=="signout"){$lgh->logOut();redirect("index.php");exit;} ?> getdata_table("select * from permissions where user_id = '$axs'"); if($perm_list)foreach($perm_list as $perm_file){if(strstr(strtolower($self),strtolower($perm_file->perm_file_name)))$wflag=1;} } if($wflag)return 1; else return 0; } function get_listing_base() { $listing_base = 2500; return $listing_base; } // translate pid to listing number function pid_to_listing($pid) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $pid)) { return ($pid + get_listing_base()); } } // translate listing number to pid function listing_to_pid($listing_num) { if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $listing_num)) { return ($listing_num - get_listing_base()); } } function listing_name($pid, $include_title=false) { global $dbh; $listing_num = pid_to_listing($pid); if (!$listing_num) { return false; } $pd = $dbh->getdata_table( "SELECT property_title FROM property_data WHERE pid = '$pid'" ); if (!$pd) { return false; } $listing_name = 'Listing #'.$listing_num; if ($include_title) { $listing_name .= ' ('.$pd[0]->property_title.')'; } return $listing_name; } ?> getdata_table($query); if($abooked){ foreach($abooked as $dcheck){ // var_dump($dcheck->cuid); if($dcheck->cuid==$cuid){return 0;} } return 1; } else return 0; }else return 1; } function preflex($date1,$date2,$pid,$cuid=NULL,$req_id=NULL){// determine if date is already booked flex dates reservation global $dbh; if(floor(($date2-$date1)/strtotime("+1 day",0))!=1)$date1=strtotime("+1 day",$date1); $date2=strtotime("-1 day",$date2); //allow a one day reservation //DOES NOT WORK WITH 1 day reservations (*should work with 1 day reservatios now) $query = "select * from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ('$date1' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date)||'$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date)||unix_timestamp(end_date) between '$date1' and '$date2') and flex_deal_res != 'none'"; //echo $query; //old query // $query = "select * from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ((unix_timestamp(start_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')||( unix_timestamp(end_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')||'$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date))"; $abooked= $dbh->getdata_table($query); if($abooked){ foreach($abooked as $dcheck){ if($dcheck->cuid==$cuid){return 0;} } return 1; } else return 0; } function already_held($date1,$date2,$pid,$req_id){ global $dbh; //DOES NOT WORK WITH 1 day reservations (*should work with 1 day reservatios now) $query = "select * from book_request_table where pid = '$pid' and (paid_hold='paid'|| paid_hold='held') and (('$date1' between unix_timestamp(STR_TO_DATE(beg_day, '%m/%d/%Y')) and unix_timestamp(STR_TO_DATE(end_day, '%m/%d/%Y')) ) || ('$date2' between unix_timestamp(STR_TO_DATE(beg_day, '%m/%d/%Y')) and unix_timestamp(STR_TO_DATE(end_day, '%m/%d/%Y'))) || (unix_timestamp(STR_TO_DATE(end_day, '%m/%d/%Y')) between '$date1' and '$date2') ||(unix_timestamp(STR_TO_DATE(beg_day, '%m/%d/%Y')) between '$date1' and '$date2'))"; //old query // $query = "select * from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ((unix_timestamp(start_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')||( unix_timestamp(end_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')||'$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date))"; $abooked=$dbh->getdata_table($query); if($abooked){ foreach($abooked as $dcheck){ if($dcheck->req_id==$req_id){return 0;} } return 1; } return 0; } function isBooked($date1,$numofweeks,$pid,$days="no"){ //tstamp date global $dbh; $mydate = $date1;$myedate=$date2; if($days=="no")$myedate = strtotime("+ $numofweeks weeks",$date1);//604800 else $myedate= strtotime("+ $numofweeks days",$date1); return prebooked($mydate,$myedate,$pid); // $yranddate_b = date("Y",$date1)."-".date("m-d",$date1); // $yranddate_e = date("Y",$myedate)."-".date("m-d",$myedate); //determine if the saturday is already booked // $qry = "select start_date,end_date,cuid from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and confirmation_num is not NULL AND (unix_timestamp('$yranddate_b') between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date)) || (unix_timestamp('$yranddate_e') between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date))"; // echo $qry; /* $getbookings = $dbh->getdata_table($qry); if($getbookings){ foreach($getbookings as $get_bookings){ $sdate = strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$get_bookings->start_date)); $edate = strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$get_bookings->end_date)); while($sdate<$edate){ // echo date("m d Y",$sdate) ."-".date("m d Y",$mydate) . "
"; $mydate = $date1; if($days=="no")$myedate = ($numofweeks*604800)+$date1; else $myedate=($numofweeks*86400)+$date1; while($mydate<$myedate){ if(date("M-d-Y",$mydate)==date("M-d-Y",$sdate)){$_SESSION['book_flag']=1;return 1;} $mydate = strtotime("+1 day",$mydate); } $sdate = strtotime("+1 day",$sdate); } } } return 0; */ } function dayDirection($tstamp){ $dayofweek = strtolower(date("D",$tstamp)); switch($dayofweek){ case 'sun':case 'mon':case'tue': $direction = "backward";break; case 'wed':case 'thu':case'fri': $direction = "forward";break; default:$direction="neutral";break; } return $direction; } function daystoweeks($daystotal){ $daystotal = floor($daystotal); switch($daystotal){ case $daystotal>=0&&$daystotal<=10: $amtweeks = 1; break; case $daystotal>=11&&$daystotal<=17: $amtweeks = 2; break; case $daystotal>=18&&$daystotal<=24: $amtweeks = 3; break; case $daystotal>=25&&$daystotal<=31: $amtweeks = 4; break; case $daystotal>=32&&$daystotal<=38: $amtweeks = 5; break; case $daystotal>=39&&$daystotal<=45: $amtweeks = 6; break; case $daystotal>=46&&$daystotal<=52: $amtweeks = 7; break; case $daystotal>52: default: $amtweeks=0; break; } return $amtweeks; } //daysBetween($from_date,$to_date); function daysBetween($start,$end){ $sdate = strtotime($start); $edate = strtotime($end); while($sdate <= $edate){ $sdate+=86400; } } function get_premium($tstamp,$dayends,$propid,&$prem_title=NULL){ global $dbh; // echo "select distinct * from property_premium_dates where pid = '$propid' and ('$tstamp' between unix_timestamp(date_from) and unix_timestamp(date_to) || '$dayends' between unix_timestamp(date_from) and unix_timestamp(date_to)|| unix_timestamp(date_from) between '$tstamp' and '$dayends')"; $premprices = $dbh->getdata_table("select distinct * from property_premium_dates where pid = '$propid' and ('$tstamp' between unix_timestamp(date_from) and unix_timestamp(date_to) || '$dayends' between unix_timestamp(date_from) and unix_timestamp(date_to)|| unix_timestamp(date_from) between '$tstamp' and '$dayends')"); if($premprices){ foreach($premprices as $pricesprem){ $fro = strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$pricesprem->date_from)); $toand = strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$pricesprem->date_to)); while($fro<=$toand){ $starter = $tstamp;$ender = $dayends; while($starter<$ender){ if(date("m d y",$starter)==date("m d y",$fro)){ if($pricesprem->add_sub=="subtract"){$premprice-=$pricesprem->price_difference;$prem_title=$pricesprem->premium_name;}//." discount";} else {$premprice+=$pricesprem->price_difference;$prem_title=$pricesprem->premium_name;}//." premium";} break 2; } $starter=strtotime("+1 day",$starter); } $fro = strtotime("+1 day",$fro); } } } return $premprice; } function get_special($grand_total,$tstamp,$dayends,$propid){ global $dbh; $special_start = date("Y-m-d",$tstamp); $special_end = date("Y-m-d",$dayends); $spquery = "select * from specials where pid = '$propid' and ((datesp='$special_start' and datespend='$special_end')||(unix_timestamp('$special_start') between unix_timestamp(datesp) and unix_timestamp(datespend) and unix_timestamp('$special_end') between unix_timestamp(datesp) and unix_timestamp(datespend)))"; $special_offers = $dbh->getdata_table($spquery); if($special_offers){ //var_dump(get_premium($tstamp,$dayends,$propid)); if(get_premium($tstamp,$dayends,$propid))$sp_percentage = (double)($special_offers[0]->percentage)/2; else $sp_percentage = $special_offers[0]->percentage; $newtotal = $grand_total-($grand_total*$sp_percentage/100); } if($newtotal)return $newtotal; else return 0; } function getadmin($pid){ global $dbh; $adm = $dbh->getdata_table("select adminfee from property_data where pid = '$pid'"); if($adm){ if(is_numeric($adm[0]->adminfee)){ $admin_fee = $adm[0]->adminfee; return $admin_fee; } } return 0; } function getcleaning($pid){ global $dbh; $cln = $dbh->getdata_table("select cleaning_fee from property_data where pid = '$pid'"); if($cln){ if(is_numeric($cln[0]->cleaning_fee)){ $clean_fee = $cln[0]->cleaning_fee; return $clean_fee; } } return 0; } function detpricing($tstamp,$dayends,$propid,$incl_discount=NULL,$dont_show_breakdown=NULL){ global $dbh,$au_user; $which_pricing=$dbh->getdata_table("select * from property_data where pid = '$propid'"); $tstamp = strtotime(date("m/d/Y",$tstamp)); $dayends = strtotime(date("m/d/Y",$dayends)); $tstampplus = strtotime("+1 day",$tstamp); $query = "select distinct * from property_season_dates sd left join season_prices sp on = where (unix_timestamp(from_date) between '$tstamp' and '$dayends' || unix_timestamp(to_date) between '$tstamp' and '$dayends' || '$tstamp' between unix_timestamp(from_date) and unix_timestamp(to_date) || '$dayends' between unix_timestamp(from_date) and unix_timestamp(to_date)) and = '$propid'"; // $query = "select * from season_dates sd left join season_prices sp on = where ('$tstamp' between unix_timestamp(from_date) and unix_timestamp(to_date)|| '$dayends' between unix_timestamp(from_date) and unix_timestamp(to_date)) and = '$propid'"; // echo $query; // alert(($dayends-$tstamp)/strtotime("+1 day",0)); $lot = ceil((($dayends-$tstamp)/strtotime("+1 day",0))); $amtofweeks = ceil(($dayends-$tstamp)/strtotime("+1 week",0)); if($lot>1&&what_day($dayends)=="sat"&&what_day($tstamp)=="sat")$perfect_week=1; if($lot>1&&(what_day($dayends)=="sat"&&what_day($tstamp)!="sat")||(what_day($tstamp)=="sat"&&what_day($dayends)!="sat"))$rate_cap=1; //pricing cap initializer if($lot>=7)$weeklytrip=1;else $weeklytrip=0; $presult = $dbh->getdata_table($query); if($presult){ foreach($presult as $tseasonp){ $pricerun = strtotime($tseasonp->from_date);$pricestop = strtotime($tseasonp->to_date); while($pricerun<=$pricestop){ $trun = $tstamp; while($trun < $dayends){ if(date("m d y",$trun)==date("m d y",$pricerun)){ $szn = strtolower($tseasonp->season); if($which_pricing[0]->pr_model=="new"){ $divisor = get_divisor($trun,$propid); if($rate_cap){if($rate_max<$tseasonp->$szn)$rate_max = (float)$tseasonp->$szn;}//what if we cross seasons which $rate is the cap rate? if($perfect_week){$dailyprice = $tseasonp->$szn/7;} else{ if($divisor)$dailyprice = $tseasonp->$szn / $divisor; else{echo "Pricing Error: No Divisor Set"; return NULL;} } }else{ if($rate_cap){if($rate_max<$tseasonp->$szn)$rate_max = (float)$tseasonp->$szn;}//what if we cross seasons which $rate is the cap rate? if($weeklytrip==0){ if(detweekday($trun)=="weekend")$dailyprice=$tseasonp->$szn/4; else $dailyprice = $tseasonp->$szn/6; }else $dailyprice = $tseasonp->$szn/7; } if($lot>=5){ //new addition for monthly percentage discounts $reservation_day = abs(round((strtotime("12:00pm",$trun) - strtotime("12:00pm",$tstamp))/strtotime("+1 day",0)))+1; if($perfect_week)$day_to_start_adding = 14; else $day_to_start_adding = 5; if($reservation_day>=$day_to_start_adding){ $gp = get_monthly_percentage_discount($propid,$trun); if($reservation_day==$day_to_start_adding){$gp=5;} //on the 5th or 14th day add a 5 percent discount if($gp > 0 && $reservation_day <= 28){ //conglomerate total discounted percentage for percentage drop from overall total below $monthly_percentage_drop+=$gp; //echo "$reservation_day: + $gp = $monthly_percentage_drop
"; //$gp=1; //$incl_discount=NULL; } $gp=NULL; } } $ptotal+=$dailyprice;//add the daily price in to the reservation total $showthaprice.="$dailyprice - $szn - ".date("m d y",$trun). " " .detweekday($trun) . "
"; //echo "$dailyprice - $szn - ".date("m d y",$trun). " " .detweekday($trun) . "
"; //echo $incl_discount; } $trun = strtotime("+1 day",$trun); } $pricerun = strtotime("+1 day",$pricerun); } } if($rate_cap)if($ptotal>$rate_max*$amtofweeks)$ptotal=$rate_max*$amtofweeks; if($dont_show_breakdown==NULL){ echo "
"; echo $showthaprice; echo "
"; } $special_total = get_special($ptotal,$tstamp,$dayends,$propid); //this line is necessary and should be outside the following conditional //var_dump($special_total); $ptholder = $ptotal; //hold the calculated price for appropriate discounting when combining the //discount overlay discount with the monthly percentage discount if(isset($incl_discount)){ //if its a special offer, include the specials offers price if($special_total)$ptotal=$special_total; //include either a special price total or a discount overlay special, not BOTH else $discount=calc_discount($ptotal,$tstamp,$dayends,$propid); if($discount)$ptotal = $discount; } //subtract the congolmerated monthly percentage drop for appropriate stays if($monthly_percentage_drop)$ptotal = $ptotal - ($ptholder * ($monthly_percentage_drop/100)); //check for premiums, and add to or subtract from the grand total //if this is a special offer, do not include premiums in the price if(!$special_total)$premium_price = get_premium($tstamp,$dayends,$propid); $adm = getadmin($propid); $cln = getcleaning($propid); $grandtotal = $ptotal + $premium_price + $adm + $cln; //minimum reservation price is $300 as of now 6/15/2009 //minimum reservation price is $300 as of now 4/27/2010 if($grandtotal<500)$grandtotal=500; } if($au_user){ $agi = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates aff where aff.aff_id = '$au_user->me'"); if($agi){ $agi = $agi[0]; $agtype = $agi->discount_type; if($agtype=="percentage"){ $upercentage = $agi->discount_amount; $grandtotal = $grandtotal - ($grandtotal * ($upercentage / 100)); } elseif($agtype=="flat"){ $flat_discount = $agi->discount_amount; $grandtotal = $grandtotal - $flat_discount; } } } return $grandtotal; } function get_monthly_percentage_discount($pid,$atstamp){ global $dbh; $tseason = whatSeason($atstamp,$pid); $phrase = $tseason."_monthly_percent"; $apercent = $dbh->getdata_table("select $phrase from season_prices where pid = '$pid'"); if($apercent){ $apercent=$apercent[0]; $daily_discount = $apercent->$phrase; }else return 0; return $daily_discount; } function get_divisor($stamp,$pid){ global $dbh,$self; $alldiv = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from pricing_divide where pid='$pid'"); $dayname=strtolower(date("D",$stamp)); return $alldiv[0]->$dayname; } function calc_discount($grandtotal,$tstamp,$dayends,$propid){ global $dbh; $today = strtotime("noon",mktime()); $days = ceil(($dayends-$tstamp)/strtotime("+1 day",0)); $daily_rate = $grandtotal/$days; // $trip_day = strtotime("noon",$tstamp); // $weeks = ceil(($trip_day-$today)/604800); //in order to get a discount overlay discount, the stay must be longer than or equivalent to the seasons length requirement $sz = (int)get_tag_along_minimum($tstamp,$propid); $dp = discount_percentage($tstamp,$dayends,$propid); if($sz<=$days) return $grandtotal-($grandtotal*($dp/100)); //if the amount of days is greater than the season minimum return discounted_price else return $grandtotal; //otherwise return the regular grand total /* if($sz<=$days){ //USE THIS CODE IF YOU WANT TO RE-ENACT THE DISCOUNT PRICING PER DAY, AS OF NOW discount_percentage function handles this functionality while($tstamp<$dayends){ $trip_day = strtotime("noon",$tstamp); $weeks = ceil(($tstamp-$today)/strtotime("+1 week",0)); if($weeks<1&&$trip_day>=$today)$weeks=1; if($weeks>=52)$weeks=52; $discount_query = "select * from discount where week = '$weeks' && pid = '$propid'"; // echo $discount_query; $find_discount = $dbh->getdata_table($discount_query); $jseason = whatSeason($tstamp,$propid); if(strtolower($jseason)=="mid"||strtolower($jseason)=="low"||strtolower($jseason)=="high")$dis_var = "lowmidhigh"; else $dis_var="peak"; if($find_discount){ $dpercent = $find_discount[0]->$dis_var; $daily_discounted_price=$daily_rate-($daily_rate*$dp/100); }else $daily_discounted_price=$daily_rate; // echo date("M d Y",$tstamp)." = $daily_discounted_price - " .($daily_discounted_price+($daily_rate*$dpercent/100))." - $weeks weeks - $dpercent%
"; $price_total+=$daily_discounted_price; // var_dump($daily_discounted_price); // $discounted_total = ceil($grandtotal-($grandtotal*$dpercent/100)); $tstamp=strtotime("+1 day",$tstamp); } }else $price_total = $grand_total; return $price_total; */ } function discount_percentage($tstamp,$dayends,$propid){ global $dbh; $today = strtotime("noon",mktime()); while($tstamp<$dayends){ $weeks = ceil(($tstamp-$today)/strtotime("+1 week",0)); if($weeks>52)$weeks=52; if($oldweeks!=$weeks)$weeks_discount = $dbh->getdata_table($wk_d_query="select * from discount where week='$weeks' and pid = '$propid'"); //echo $wk_d_query; $jseason = whatSeason($tstamp,$propid); if(strtolower($jseason)=="mid"||strtolower($jseason)=="low"||strtolower($jseason)=="high")$dis_var = "lowmidhigh"; else $dis_var="peak"; $discount = $weeks_discount[0]->$dis_var; if($lowest_discount&&$discount<$lowest_discount)$lowest_discount=$discount; elseif(!$lowest_discount)$lowest_discount=$discount; $oldweeks = $weeks; // $adon.="week='$weeks'|| "; $tstamp = strtotime("+1 day",$tstamp); } return $lowest_discount; } //calculte prices following determining dates function detweekday($dtime){ $dayofweek = strtolower(date('D',$dtime)); switch($dayofweek){ case'sun':case 'sat':case 'fri':case'thu': $determine = "weekend";break; case 'mon':case 'tue':case'wed': $determine = "weekday";break; default:break; } return $determine; } function whatSeason($start_date,$property){ global $dbh;$pid=$property; if(strstr($start_date,"/"))$start_date = strtotime($start_date); // if(strstr($start_date,"/"))$start_date=strtotime("1:00am",$start_date); $start_date=strtotime("midnight",$start_date); // $query = "select * from season_dates sd left join season_prices sp on = where = '$pid'"; WAY OLDER QUERY INCLUDING LONG MULTIPLE LOOPING $query = "select distinct *,unix_timestamp(from_date),unix_timestamp(to_date) from property_season_dates sd where pid = '$pid' and ('$start_date' between unix_timestamp(from_date) and unix_timestamp(to_date))"; // echo "$query
";exit; $sprices = $dbh->getdata_table($query); if($sprices)return $sprices[0]->season; else return 0; } function what_day($date1){ return strtolower(date('D',$date1)); } function reservation_balance($cuid){ global $dbh; $query = "select *, concat_ws(' ',b.first_name, b.last_name) as fullname from booking_info as b left join property_data as p on = where cuid='$cuid' order by b.dt desc"; $gettotal = $dbh->getdata_table($query); $query_sum = "select * from payments where cuid = '$cuid' and additional_revenue = 'no'"; // echo $query_sum; $paid_already = $dbh->getdata_table($query_sum); if($paid_already)foreach($paid_already as $pa)if($pa->payment_credit=="payment")$dep_paid += $pa->amount;elseif($pa->payment_credit=="credit")$dep_paid-=$pa->amount;else echo "Error: No payment type defined"; $activity_totals = round($dep_paid,2); $reservation_price = round((float)$gettotal[0]->price_paid,2); $res_balance = $reservation_price-$activity_totals; // var_dump($res_balance); //if($res_balance<0.01)$res_balance=0; //floating point subtraction issues hack return $res_balance; } function reservation_payments($cuid,$optouthomeowner=NULL,&$management_money=NULL){ global $dbh; $query_sum = "select * from payments where additional_revenue = 'no' and cuid = '$cuid'"; $paid_already = $dbh->getdata_table($query_sum); if($paid_already){ foreach($paid_already as $pa){ if($optouthomeowner){ if($pa->payment_credit=="payment")$dep_paid += $pa->amount; if($pa->payment_credit=="payment"&&$pa->management_fee=="yes")$management_money += $pa->amount; //elseif($pa->payment_credit=="credit")$dep_paid-=$pa->amount; //else echo "Error: No payment type defined"; }else{ if($pa->payment_creator!="homeowner"){ if($pa->payment_credit=="payment")$dep_paid += $pa->amount; if($pa->payment_credit=="payment"&&$pa->management_fee=="yes")$management_money += $pa->amount; //elseif($pa->payment_credit=="credit")$dep_paid-=$pa->amount; //else echo "Error: No payment type defined"; } } } } return $dep_paid; } function get_tag_along_minimum($requested_date,$pid){ global $dbh; $szn = strtolower(whatSeason($requested_date,$pid)); $sznvar = "tag_".$szn; $min_find = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from property_season_dates sd left join season_prices sp on = where = '$pid'"); $night_min=$min_find[0]->$sznvar; return $night_min; } /* function detweeklypricing($tstamp,$dayends,$propid){ global $dbh;$pid = $propid; // create a usable array of premium dates with corresponding prices $premprices = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from property_premium_dates where pid = '$pid' and '$tstamp' between unix_timestamp(date_from) and unix_timestamp(date_to)"); if($premprices){ $xcount = 0; $dset = 0; foreach($premprices as $pricesprem){ $fro = strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$pricesprem->date_from)); $toand = strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$pricesprem->date_to)); while($toand>$fro){ $fromarr[$xcount][0] = date("m d y",$fro); $fromarr[$xcount][1] = $pricesprem->price_difference; $fromarr[$xcount][2] = $dset; $xcount++; $fro+=86400; } $dset++; } } $yrmnth = date("Y-m",$tstamp); if(!$sprices[0]->temp_id)$sprices = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from season_dates sd left join season_prices sp on = where (instr(from_date,'$yrmnth')||instr(to_date,'$yrmnth')) and = '$pid'"); if($sprices){ foreach($sprices as $pricess){ $dstamp=$tstamp;$tends=$dayends; while($dstamp<$tends){ $detpricing=strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$pricess->from_date));$detto=strtotime(str_replace("-","/",$pricess->to_date)); while($detpricing<=$detto){ if(date("m d y",$detpricing)==date("m d y",$dstamp)){ // echo date("m d y",$detpricing)."
"; $season = strtolower($pricess->season); $daysprice = number_format(($pricess->$season/7),2); //check for premium pricing $trydate=date("m d y",$detpricing); if($fromarr){ foreach($fromarr as $key=>$val){ //calculate more than one premium additional price if necessary // if($val[0]==$trydate)echo "$trydate - ".$val[1]." - ".$val[2] ." - ". $fromarr[$atkey][2]."
"; if($val[0]==$trydate)if($val[2]!==$fromarr[$atkey][2]){$atkey=$key;$premium_additional+=$val[1];} } } //show price per day (*debugging purposes) $showthaprice .="Price for date $season: " . date("M d Y",$dstamp)." - $$daysprice
"; $conglomerate+=$daysprice; } //account for daylight savings time if(date("m d y",strtotime('last sunday', strtotime('november 1st')))==date("m d y",$detpricing)){$detpricing+=90000;} elseif(date("m d y",strtotime('2 sunday', strtotime('march 1st')))==date("m d y",$detpricing)){$detpricing+=82800;} else $detpricing+=86400; } if(date("m d y",strtotime('last sunday', strtotime('november 1st')))==date("m d y",$dstamp)){$dstamp+=90000;} elseif(date("m d y",strtotime('2 sunday', strtotime('march 1st')))==date("m d y",$dstamp)){$dstamp+=82800;} else $dstamp+=86400; } } $showthaprice.= "Premium additional price: $". $premium_additional."
"; $_SESSION['show_prem'] = $premium_additional; $conglomerate+=$premium_additional; return $conglomerate; } }*/ //echo "alternative date 1:$alt1 price: $alt1price
alternative date2:$alt2 price: $alt2price
"; ?>$gen_alt){ $alt_start = $gen_alt['start_date'];$alt_end=$gen_alt['end_date']; $tmp_portion[] = "$alt_start-$alt_end"; } $alt_tmp = array_unique($tmp_portion); foreach($alt_tmp as $skey=>$falter){ if(substr($falter,0,strpos($falter,"-"))==substr($falter,strpos($falter,"-")+1))continue; $new_alter[$skey]['start_date'] = substr($falter,0,strpos($falter,"-")); $new_alter[$skey]['end_date'] = substr($falter,strpos($falter,"-")+1); } return $new_alter; } function meets_minimum($start_date,$end_date,$pid,$allowable_min=NULL){ global $dbh; $amt_days = ceil((strtotime($end_date)-strtotime($start_date))/strtotime("+1 day",0)); if($allowable_min){$min=$allowable_min;} else $min = get_minimum($start_date,$pid); // alert("amount: $amt_days - minimum:$min"); if($amt_days<$min)return 0; else return 1; } function gap_fit($requested_start_date,$requested_end_date,$pid){ //function to factor in the nightly_minimum to a stay global $dbh; // $date1 = strtotime($requested_start_date);$date2 = strtotime($requested_end_date); // $min_nights = ($date2-$date1)/strtotime("+1 day",0);$min_nights = 5; // $alts = generate_alternative($date1,$date2,$pid,$min_nights); return $alt; } function get_minimum($requested_date,$pid){ global $dbh; $szn = strtolower(whatSeason($requested_date,$pid)); $sznvar = $szn."_min"; $min_find = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from season_dates sd left join season_prices sp on = where = '$pid'"); $night_min=$min_find[0]->$sznvar; return $night_min; } function trip_connected($date1,$date2,$pid){ global $dbh; $date1 = strtotime("-2 days",strtotime($date1));$date2 = strtotime("+2 days",strtotime($date2)); //gap information is in the following two queries $query = "select * from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ((unix_timestamp(start_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')|| '$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date))"; $start_trip = $dbh->getdata_table($query); $query = "select * from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ((unix_timestamp(end_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')|| '$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date))"; $end_trip = $dbh->getdata_table($query); if($start_trip||$end_trip)return 1; else return 0; } function generate_alternative($date1,$date2,$pid,$min_nights){ global $dbh; $min_nights = (int)$min_nights; $tszn = strtolower(whatSeason(strtotime($date1),$pid));$tagszn = "tag_".$tszn; $pinformation = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from season_prices where pid = '$pid'"); if($pinformation)$allowable_minimum = $pinformation[0]->$tagszn; else $allowable_minimum = 2; if($min_nights<$allowable_minimum)return 0; $date1 = strtotime($date1);$date2 = strtotime($date2); //gap information is in the following two queries $query = "select * from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ((unix_timestamp(start_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')|| '$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date))"; $start_trip = $dbh->getdata_table($query); $query = "select * from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ((unix_timestamp(end_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')|| '$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date))"; $end_trip = $dbh->getdata_table($query); //create suitable if($start_trip||$end_trip){ if($start_trip&&$end_trip)$date_out = $end_trip[0]->end_date; elseif($start_trip)$date_out=$start_trip[0]->end_date; else $date_out = $end_trip[0]->end_date; $date_out_stamp = strtotime($date_out); $alt_try_start = $date_out_stamp; $alt_try_end = strtotime("+$min_nights days",$alt_try_start); while(prebooked($alt_try_start,$alt_try_end,$pid)){ $reservation_end=prebooked($alt_try_start,$alt_try_end,$pid); // echo "start:".date("m d Y",$alt_try_start)." - end:".date("m d Y",$alt_try_end)."
"; $alt_try_start = strtotime($reservation_end); $alt_try_end = strtotime("+$min_nights days",$alt_try_start); } $alternate_one['start_date']=date("m/d/Y",$alt_try_start); $alternate_one['end_date']=date("m/d/Y",$alt_try_end); if(strtotime($alternate_one['start_date'])"; return $alternate_one; } function gap_finder($date1,$date2,$pid){ //function gap_finder($date1,$date2,$month,$year,$pid){ global $dbh; //finds gaps and reports their start day and length of available time $month = date("m-Y",strtotime("-1 months",strtotime($date1)));$d2month = date("m-Y",strtotime("+1 months",strtotime($date2))); $date1 = strtotime("1-$month");$date2 = strtotime("1-$d2month"); $query = "select *,unix_timestamp(end_date) as sort_time from booking_info where pid = '$pid' and ((unix_timestamp(end_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')|| '$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date)||(unix_timestamp(start_date) between '$date1' and '$date2')|| '$date2' between unix_timestamp(start_date) and unix_timestamp(end_date)) order by sort_time asc"; // echo $query; $end_trip = $dbh->getdata_table($query); if($end_trip){ $x=2; foreach($end_trip as $key=>$endval){ $gaps[$key]['start']=$endval->end_date; if($x==2){$x--;continue;} $gaps[$key-1]['end']=$endval->start_date; } //clean && remove duplicate start && end dates foreach($gaps as $gkey=>$gval){ if($gval[start]==$gval[end])$gaps[$gkey]=NULL; if($gval[start]&&!$gval[end])$gaps[$gkey][end]=date("Y-m-d",strtotime("+1 month",strtotime($gval[start]))); } //subtract a day from the end date // $gaps[$key-1]['end']=date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-1 day",strtotime($gaps[$key-1]['end']))); } return $gaps; } function display_out($datein,$dateout,$price,$pid){ global $dbh; $prop_info = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from property_data where pid = '$pid'"); $prop_name = $prop_info[0]->property_title; $admin_fee = $prop_info[0]->adminfee; $cleaning_fee = $prop_info[0]->cleaning_fee; $price_display = $price + $admin_fee; $price_display = $price_display + $cleaning_fee; //$price+=$admin_fee; //$price+=$cleaning_fee; $confdate_in = (date("m/d/Y",strtotime($datein))); $confdate_out = (date("m/d/Y",strtotime($dateout))); $premium_price = get_premium(strtotime($datein),strtotime($dateout),$pid,$prem_title); $specials_price = get_special("5",strtotime($datein),strtotime($dateout),$pid); $total_days = floor((strtotime($dateout)-strtotime($datein))/strtotime("+1 day",0)); $price_box= "";/* if($_SESSION['show_prem']){ $premprice = $_SESSION['show_prem']; $price_box.=""; $price_box.=""; $price_box.=""; }*/ if($premium_price)$price_box.=" "; /*$price_box.= "";*/ $price_box.= ""; $price_box.="

Option Available ($total_days Night Reservation)

Check-in: $datein - 04:00 PM
Check-out: $dateout - 11:00 AM
Premium Price included in Total$$premprice


Administration Fee: $$admin_fee
Promo Code:  

Total Price

$ ".number_format($price_display,2)."
"; /*$price_box.= " Total Price $ ".number_format($price_display,2)." ";*/ $price_box.= "   

"; echo ""; if($price)echo $price_box; else echo "We do not currently allow bookings this far ahead in the future. Please contact our main office for more assistance. Thank you"; } ?>my_level(); if($mylevel==1){ //$affs = $this->dbh->getdata_table($rq="select * from affiliates left join affiliate_types on affiliates.aff_type_id = affiliate_types.aff_type_id left join affiliate_group on affiliates.aff_group_id = affiliate_group.aff_group_id where affiliates.aff_type_id = '2' && affiliates.aff_id != '$this->me' order by affiliates.aff_id"); $affs = $this->dbh->getdata_table($rq="select * from affiliates left join affiliate_types on affiliates.aff_type_id = affiliate_types.aff_type_id left join affiliate_group on affiliates.aff_group_id = affiliate_group.aff_group_id order by affiliates.aff_id"); //var_dump($affs);exit; foreach($affs as $afk=>$affiliated){ $eu=$affiliated->aff_id; echo "
"; $referring_afil = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id where a.aff_type_id = '3' and a.my_creator = '$affiliated->aff_id'"); if($referring_afil){ echo "
aff_id\" style=\"display:none;\" class=\"tabmein\">"; foreach($referring_afil as $rafindex=>$raffiliated){ $eu=$raffiliated->aff_id; echo "
"; $sales_agent = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id where a.aff_type_id = '4' and a.my_creator = '$raffiliated->aff_id'"); if($sales_agent){ echo "
aff_id\" style=\"display:none;\" class=\"tabmein\">"; foreach($sales_agent as $salindex=>$saleaffiliate){ $eu=$saleaffiliate->aff_id; echo "
  • ".ucwords($saleaffiliate->login_username)."
  • $saleaffiliate->first_name $saleaffiliate->last_name
  • $saleaffiliate->aff_type
  • $saleaffiliate->company_name
  • Downline: ".count(my_downline($saleaffiliate->aff_id))."
  • Edit / Info
  • Remove

"; } echo "
"; } } echo "
"; } //echo "
"; } } elseif($mylevel==2){ $affs = $this->dbh->getdata_table($rq="select * from affiliates left join affiliate_types on affiliates.aff_type_id = affiliate_types.aff_type_id left join affiliate_group on affiliates.aff_group_id = affiliate_group.aff_group_id where (affiliates.my_creator = '$this->me' and affiliates.aff_type_id = '3' and affiliates.aff_group_id = '".$this->my_group()."') && affiliates.aff_id != '$this->me'"); foreach($affs as $afk=>$affiliated){ $eu=$affiliated->aff_id; echo "
"; $referring_afil = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id where a.aff_type_id = '4' and a.my_creator = '$affiliated->aff_id'"); if($referring_afil){ echo "
aff_id\" class=\"tabmein\" style=\"display:none;\">"; foreach($referring_afil as $rafindex=>$raffiliated){ $eu=$raffiliated->aff_id; echo "
"; } echo "
"; } } } elseif($mylevel==3){ $referring_afil = $this->dbh->getdata_table($mq="select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id where a.aff_type_id = '4' and a.my_creator = '$this->me'"); if($referring_afil){ echo "
"; foreach($referring_afil as $rafindex=>$raffiliated){ $eu = $raffiliated->aff_id; echo "
"; } echo "
"; } } } /*function show_affiliates(){ $my_group = $this->my_group(); switch($mylevel=$this->my_level()){ case '1': break; case '2': $addon = "a.aff_type_id >= '$mylevel' and a.aff_group_id = '$my_group'"; break; case '3': $addon = "(a.my_creator = '$this->me' || a.aff_id = '$this->me') and a.aff_group_id = '$my_group'"; break; case '4': $addon = "a.aff_id = '$this->me'"; break; } //$affils = $this->dbh->getdata_table($sq="select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id".(($addon)?(" where $addon"):(""))." order by a.aff_group_id,a.aff_type_id"); $affils = $this->dbh->getdata_table($sq="select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id where a.aff_type_id = '2' order by a.aff_group_id,a.aff_type_id"); //echo $sq; if($affils){ echo "
"; echo "

Viewing Users: ".$affils[0]->aff_group_name ."

"; //echo ""; foreach($affils as $afindex=>$affiliated){ echo "
"; $referring_afil = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id where a.aff_type_id = '3' and a.my_creator = '$affiliated->aff_id'"); if($referring_afil){ echo "
aff_id\" style=\"display:none;\">"; foreach($referring_afil as $rafindex=>$raffiliated){ echo "
"; $sales_agent = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types aft on a.aff_type_id = aft.aff_type_id where a.aff_type_id = '4' and a.my_creator = '$raffiliated->aff_id'"); if($sales_agent){ echo "
aff_id\" style=\"display:none;\">"; foreach($sales_agent as $salindex=>$saleaffiliate){ echo "
  • $saleaffiliate->aff_group_name
  • ".ucwords($saleaffiliate->login_username)."
  • $saleaffiliate->login_email
  • $saleaffiliate->aff_type
  • $saleaffiliate->active
  • Edit / Info
  • Remove

"; } } echo "
"; } } echo "
"; } } */ function affiliate($dbh,$lgh=NULL){ $this->dbh = $dbh; $this->me = $_SESSION['userLogged']['user_id']; } function my_type(){ $umytype = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select aff_type_id from affiliates where aff_id = '$this->me'"); //var_dump($umytype[0]->aff_type_id);exit; if($_SESSION['access_level']==1)return 1; else return $umytype[0]->aff_type_id; } function my_percentage(){ } function my_level(){ return $this->my_type(); } function show_menu(){ $level = $this->my_level(); echo ""; } function my_group(){ $umytype = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select aff_group_id from affiliates where aff_id = '$this->me'"); return $umytype[0]->aff_group_id; } function my_group_name(){ $umytype = $this->dbh->getdata_table($rq="select aff_group_name from affiliates left join affiliate_group on affiliates.aff_group_id = affiliate_group.aff_group_id where affiliates.aff_id = '$this->me'"); return $umytype[0]->aff_group_name; } function log_activity($the_action){ return $this->dbh->insert_update("insert into affiliate_log set aff_id = '$this->me',aff_action='$the_action',dt=now()"); } function my_company(){ $mnm = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select company_name from affiliates where aff_id = '$this->me'"); if($mnm)return ucwords($mnm[0]->company_name); else echo "Sorry, Invalid User Error"; return 0; } function my_name(){ $mnm = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates where aff_id = '$this->me'"); if($mnm)return ucwords($mnm[0]->login_username); else echo "Sorry, Invalid User Error"; return 0; } function update_affiliate_numbers($uid){ $mc = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates where aff_id = '$uid'"); $mc = $mc[0]->my_creator; $aff_group_num = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates where aff_id = '$mc' and aff_type_id = '3'"); if($aff_group_num){ $agn = $aff_group_num[0]; $this->dbh->insert_update("update affiliates set discount_type='$agn->discount_type',discount_amount='$agn->discount_amount',deposit_type='$agn->deposit_type',deposit_amount='$agn->deposit_amount' where aff_id = '$uid'"); } } function trickle_down_affiliate_numbers(){ $aff_users = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates where aff_group_id = '".$this->my_group()."' and aff_type_id = '4'"); foreach($aff_users as $ayu){ $this->update_affiliate_numbers($ayu->aff_id); } } function add_pay_info($pyid){ $this->dbh->insert_update("insert into aff2com set aff_id = '$this->me', PID='$pyid'"); return 0; } function my_discount($who=NULL){ if(!$who)$who=$this->me; $aff_group_discount = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a where a.aff_id = '$who'"); return $aff_group_discount[0]->discount_amount; } function my_discount_type($who=NULL){ if(!$who)$who=$this->me; $aff_group_discount = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a where a.aff_id = '$who'"); return $aff_group_discount[0]->discount_type; } function my_deposit($who=NULL){ if(!$who)$who=$this->me; $aff_group_discount = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a where a.aff_id = '$who'"); return $aff_group_discount[0]->deposit_amount; } function my_deposit_type($who=NULL){ if(!$who)$who=$this->me; $aff_group_discount = $this->dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates a where a.aff_id = '$who'");; return $aff_group_discount[0]->deposit_type; } function my_deposit_amount($amt){ if($this->my_deposit_type()=="percentage")return round($amt * ($this->my_deposit() / 100),2); if($this->my_deposit_type()=="flat")return round($this->my_deposit(),2); } function activity_view(){ switch($mylevel=$this->my_level()){ case '1': $avq="select *,al.dt as dt from affiliate_log al left join affiliates a on al.aff_id = a.aff_id left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types at on a.aff_type_id = at.aff_type_id"; break; case '2': $avq="select *,al.dt as dt from affiliate_log al left join affiliates a on al.aff_id = a.aff_id left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types at on a.aff_type_id = at.aff_type_id where a.aff_group_id = '".$this->my_group()."' and a.aff_type_id <= '".$this->my_level()."'"; break; case '3': $avq="select *,al.dt as dt from affiliate_log al left join affiliates a on al.aff_id = a.aff_id left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types at on a.aff_type_id = at.aff_type_id where a.aff_group_id = '".$this->my_group()."' and a.aff_type_id < '".$this->my_level()."' and a.my_creator = '".$this->me."'"; break; case '4': $avq="select *,al.dt as dt from affiliate_log al left join affiliates a on al.aff_id = a.aff_id left join affiliate_group ag on a.aff_group_id = ag.aff_group_id left join affiliate_types at on a.aff_type_id = at.aff_type_id where a.aff_id = '".$this->me."'"; break; } $aclog = $this->dbh->getdata_table($avq); //echo $avq; if($aclog){ echo "
"; echo "

User Activity Log

"; echo ""; echo ""; foreach($aclog as $alclogindex => $alc){ $dt = date("m/d/Y h:i a",strtotime($alc->dt)); if($alclogindex%2!=0)$color_style="background-color:#fff;"; else $color_style="background-color:#EF9920;"; echo ""; $dt=NULL; } echo "
Group NameAffiliate TypeUserActionDate/Time
"; echo "
"; } } } function affiliate_type($aff){ global $dbh; $mb = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates left join affiliate_types on affiliates.aff_type_id = affiliate_types.aff_type_id where affiliates.aff_id = '$aff'"); return $mb[0]->aff_type; } function my_affiliates($me){ global $dbh; switch(affiliate_type($me)){ case 'Broker-Affiliate': $ra = $dbh->getdata_table($raq="select * from affiliates where my_creator = '$me' and aff_type_id = '3'"); if($ra){ foreach($ra as $ar){ if($conga)$conga = array_merge($conga,my_sales_agents($ar->aff_id)); else{ $conga[] = $me; $conga[] = $ar->aff_id; $conga = array_merge($conga,my_sales_agents($ar->aff_id)); } } } break; case 'Referring-Affiliate': $conga = my_sales_agents($me); break; } return $conga; } function my_sales_agents($referring_affiliate_id){ global $dbh; $my_herd = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates where my_creator = '$referring_affiliate_id'"); if($my_herd){ foreach($my_herd as $mh){ $mine[] = $mh->aff_id; } $mine[] = $referring_affiliate_id; } return $mine; } function my_downline($who){ global $dbh; //if(!$who)$who=$me; $mypeople = $dbh->getdata_table("select * from affiliates where my_creator = '$who'"); if($mypeople){ foreach($mypeople as $mipeep){ //var_dump($mipeep); $addup[] = $mipeep->aff_id; if($mipeep->aff_type_id==2||$mipeep->aff_type_id==3){ if(my_downline($mipeep->aff_id))$addup = array_merge($addup,my_downline($mipeep->aff_id)); } } } return $addup; } ?>